"We grow together"

B&R has just unveiled an updated visual design. Why now?

Maria Gravesen: Refreshing a brand is a healthy process most companies revisit every few years, and it's been some time since the B&R brand underwent any major changes. But, the main reason for doing it now is that we have a bigger story to tell and need the right tools to tell it.

And what story is that?

Luca Galluzzi: It's the one we write together with our customers every day: the exciting future of automation. As we unlock the potential of digital transformation, we open up new ways for machine builders to deliver value to their customers and for manufacturers to respond to consumer demands.

Gravesen: In our customers' markets, the kind of paradigm shifts that used to be a once-in-a-generation occurrence are now happening every few years. Their needs are changing rapidly, so we want to provide insight in ways that are faster and more transparent. Opening up our visual design for an increased digital focus makes us more flexible and responsive for our customers.

Some of our readers might be thinking: Shouldn't B&R be more concerned with delivering products than designing logos?

Galluzzi: I certainly understand the sentiment, but I can assure you: we take the supply chain issues very seriously and continue to do everything in our power to minimize the impact of the global component shortage on our customers. And I must say: through all the frustration, it's been inspiring to see the relationships with our customers grow even stronger by overcoming these challenges together.

Gravesen: That's true, I'm sure they care more about what we say and do than what font we use. But as important as the design itself is what it represents – what our customers gain by having the combined force of B&R and ABB at their side.

Is updated visual design another way of saying B&R is becoming ABB?

Gravesen: B&R has been part of the ABB family for half a decade now, so naturally our communication style will reflect that. But, as you can see in this magazine, the orange color and the B&R brand our customers know and trust haven't gone anywhere. At the same time, we've achieved a visual harmony between B&R and ABB that better reflects what we offer: the world's most complete portfolio of robotics, automation and software.

Galluzzi: The new design underscores ABB's commitment to B&R and our shared values. Like the idea that innovation comes from collaboration – that's deeply engrained in our DNA as a company. Closeness to our customers has always been our greatest strength and inspired us to push the limits in pursuit of their competitive edge. As part of the ABB family, those same values continue to guide us, and we're able to apply them at a larger scale than ever.

So, B&R is not changing its philosophy?

Gravesen: That's right. Ultimately we're talking about changes in typography and graphics, not vision and values. The strength of ABB puts us in a better position to do the things our customers have always known us for.

Galluzzi: B&R has evolved constantly over the years, from a startup renting space in a local bank to a major player on the world stage. We're proud to continue that evolution as the heart of ABB's machine automation business – and excited to grow into a bright future together with our customers.

Maria Gravesen

Menedżer ds. Strategii Marketingowej B&R

„To ekscytujące widzieć, jak B&R przenosi swoją kulturę i dziedzictwo w świetlaną przyszłość dla swoich klientów, partnerów i ludzi jako część rodziny ABB”.
Maria Gravesen współpracuje z B&R od 2017 roku. Kierowała działaniami marketingowymi B&R w Europie Północnej, zanim dołączyła do zespołu Corporate Marketing Communications w 2021 roku. Jako menedżer ds. strategii kierowała projektem nowej identyfikacji wizualnej.

Luca Galluzzi


„Jeśli się nie zmieniamy, nie rozwijamy się. A jeśli się nie rozwijamy, to tak naprawdę niczego nie tworzymy. Bycie częścią ewolucji B&R zawsze było dla mnie ekscytujące – i to jest coś, co nigdy się nie zmieni”.
Luca Galluzzi dołączył do B&R w 1988 roku jako jeden z pierwszych pracowników B&R we Włoszech. Zaczynał jako inżynier aplikacji, a następnie pełnił funkcję dyrektora zarządzającego B&R Włochy i Europa Południowa, zanim w 2020 roku dołączył do zespołu kierowniczego jako CSO.

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B&R Logo