Smart devices such as tablets, smartphones, etc. are considered perfect examples of technology with ultimate usability. Unsurprisingly, operators of industrial machines and systems – and therefore also manufacturers of such equipment – desire nothing less when interacting with the machinery they use every day. With mapp View, B&R now offers access to web technology that can be used to develop HMI systems for B&R automation applications. Application engineers can use mapp View to create powerful and intuitive HMI solutions. The web technology used here is encapsulated with mapp View. Learning a broad field of technology is not necessary. HMI developers can focus entirely on creating a solution for the task at hand.

All exercises are performed in an Automation Runtime Simulation (ArSim).



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3 days


Learning objectives and content

  • Overview of HMI applications and hardware
  • Understanding mapp View
  • mapp View configuration guide
  • Page creation and navigation
  • Visual appearance - Styling
  • Data binding with OPC UA
  • Integrating media files
  • User role system
  • Localization
  • Events and actions
  • Display alarms, diagrams and data in mapp View
  • Creating efficient mapp View HMI applicationss

Tasks include

  • Participants create concepts for HMI applications.
  • Participants configure HMI applications for machine operation.
  • Participants implement designs for various operator panels.
  • Participants integrate HMI applications in machines.
  • Participants utilize web technology on mobile devices.

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