General information
B&R ID code 0xF36E
Cooling Passive
Power button No
Reset button Yes
Status indicators Supply voltage OK, operating state, module status, Ethernet
Buzzer No
Controller redundancy No
ACOPOS support No
Visual Components support Yes
Safety support No
CE Yes
Type ARM Cortex-A8
Clock frequency 1 GHz
L1 cache
Data code 24 kB
Program code 32 kB
L2 cache 256 kB
Application memory
Type 512 MB flash memory
Data retention 10 years
Writable data amount
Guaranteed 40 TB
Results for 5 years 21.9 GB/day
Guaranteed erase/write cycles 20,000
Error-correcting code (ECC) Yes
Type TFT color
Diagonal 10.4" (264 mm)
Colors 16.7 million (RGB, 8 bits per channel)
Resolution SVGA, 800 x 600 pixels
Contrast Typ. 500:1 / Min. 400:1
Viewing angles
Horizontal Direction L = Typ. 70° / Min. 60°
Direction R = Typ. 60° / Min. 50°
Vertical Direction U / Direction D = Typ. 70° / Min. 60°
Brightness Typ. 350 cd/m² / Min. 300 cd/m²
Half-brightness time 30,000 h
Screen rotation Yes
Interface IF3
Type Ethernet
Variant 1x RJ45 shielded
Line length Max. 100 m between 2 nodes (segment length)
Max. transfer rate 10/100 Mbit/s
Physical layer 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Half-duplex Yes
Full-duplex Yes
Autonegotiation Yes
Interface IF4
Type USB 2.0
Variant Type A
Current-carrying capacity 0.49 A
Variant Membrane keypad with metallic snap-action disks
Total keys 65 membrane keys (26 with LED)
Cursor keys Yes
Number block Yes
Electrical properties
Nominal voltage 24 VDC ±25%
Nominal current 0.35 A
Inrush current Max. 2.8 A
Power consumption Typ. 4.8 W / Max. 8.4 W
Fuse 3.5 A slow-blow, internal
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Galvanic isolation No
Electrical isolation Ethernet (IF3) to other interfaces and to device
Operating conditions
Installation elevation above sea level
0 to 2000 m No limitation
>2000 m Reduction of ambient temperature by 0.5°C per 100 m
Maximum 3000 m
Degree of protection per EN 60529 Back: IP20
Front: IP65, protected against dust and hose-directed water
Ambient conditions
Operation 0 to 50°C
Storage -20 to 70°C
Transport -20 to 70°C
Relative humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Mechanical properties
Material Plastic
Panel overlay
Material Polyester
Width 259.6 mm
Height 475 mm
Depth 39.3 mm
Weight 1.95 kg
Référence produit:
SMARTMOLD C30, 10.4", SVGA (600 x 800)
Automation Studio HW Upgrades Version (date) Téléchargement
V4.8 HW Upgrade (4EPIMC30.104P-30K) EXE / 2 MB
Documentation Version (date) Téléchargement
Data sheet 4EPIMC30.104P-30K PDF / 930 KB
M-CAD (modèles mécaniques) Version (date) Téléchargement
3D files DXF/STEP: SMARTMOLD C30, 10.4", SVGA (600x800) ZIP / 3 MB

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