Expert portrait: Lazaros Patsakas

Lazaros Patsakas is an expert in the important and growing field of medical device assembly. In his role as global segment manager, he puts his broad experience to use connecting machine builders and manufacturers to innovative automation technologies.

With increasingly health-conscious consumers and the proliferation of personalized medical devices and sets, conventional medical device assembly lines struggle to handle shrinking batch sizes and scale productivity. For Lazaros, one of the most rewarding parts of his work is helping customers master these challenges without increasing the footprint of their line – a critical cost factor, particularly in cleanroom applications.

Working closely with machine builders, he has shown how adaptive solutions can accelerate time to market and make it easier to meet strict validation, serialization and quality requirements. As Adaptive Ambassador, Lazaros inspires customers around the world to new ways of thinking and helps them capture the enormous potential of adaptive medical device assembly.

Lazaros Patsakas

Global Segment Manager - Medical Device Assembly

Comment accroître les volumes de production sans accroître l'empreinte des machines ? Comment adapter et maintenir la production tandis que d'autres l'arrêtent pour reconcevoir leurs machines ?

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