B&R provides support for children with cancer (Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe)

This organization provides help and support for children with cancer and their families

About 300 children in Austria are diagnosed with cancer every year. This illness changes the lives of children and their families abruptly and without warning. To help children with cancer and their families by providing advice and practical services, a group of affected parents established the Upper Austrian Children's Cancer Association in May of 1988. One of the founding members was chairwoman Agnes Stark, whose son was diagnosed with cancer when he was three years old. From her own experience, she knows how important support is in situations like this: "Those who are most in need of help often do not ask for it. That's why we actively reach out to the families."

The Children's Cancer Association assists in emotional and social matters, provides information about legal funding and organizes financial assistance for affected families. "It is essential to ensure that families do not fall through the cracks," says Stark. For this reason, the association provides things like funding for medicine as well as therapies abroad and makes it possible for parents and siblings to be close to the affected family member during this difficult time.

"We are constantly striving to improve our services for affected families," said chairwoman Stark. "We do, however, continue to rely on donations." B&R has shown their support for the work done by this organization by donating 3000 euros. "Members of the children's cancer association are at the hospital every day to take care of the patients and their relatives," says B&R personnel manager Nicole Rainer. "This is the type of support we want to promote with our donation."

A propos de B&R

B&R Automation est une entreprise financièrement indépendante dont le siège social est basé en Autriche. Son réseau international d’agences lui permet d’être au plus près de ses clients le monde entier. Comptant parmi les leaders de l’automatisation industrielle, l’entreprise offre des solutions à la pointe de la technologie ainsi qu’une ingénierie de haut niveau. Elle fournit à ses clients des solutions complètes, qu’il s’agisse d’automatisation de process, de technologies de contrôle et d’entraînement, ou encore de visualisation. Ses solutions pour la communication industrielle, avec notamment POWERLINK et le standard ouvert openSAFETY, optimisent les performances, et son environnement de développement logiciel Automation Studio préfigure l’ingénierie du futur. Avec ses solutions innovantes, B&R Automation établit de nouveaux standards dans le monde des automatismes, simplifie les process et va au-delà des attentes de ses clients.

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