
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
5.2.0 EN Windows10 11/12/2023 4 Mo ZIP ADI_Development_Kit_5.2.0.zip
Description ADI Development Kit (Win10 2016 64-bit)

This software can be used to access B&R Automation Device Interface (ADI) functions directly from Windows applications created in programs such as Microsoft Visual Studio.

It can be used, for example, to set LEDs or change the brightness setting on a B&R Automation Panel.

The appropriate ADI driver for the device must be installed.


Updated for universal ADI driver version 2.3.0:
- Added support for PPC1200.
- ADI_HARDWARE_PANEL_LOCAL can now be used to check whether the selected panel is the local display of a Panel PC.
- The resolution of the local display of a Panel PC can be read with ADI_FACTORY_DVI3_DISPLAY_HRES and ADI_FACTORY_DVI3_DISPLAY_VRES.
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