
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.26 EN WinXP, WinXP+SP2 23/04/2008 33 Mo ZIP InstallSATARAID_Tool_V10026.zip
Description .Net SATA RAID utility 5ACPCI.RAIC-01, -03, -05, -06 (WinXP)

1. Execute vcredist_x86.exe for 32-bit platforms or vcredist_x64.exe for 64-bit platforms to install Visual C++ libraries required by SATARaid GUI.
2. Execute dotnetfx.exe to install .Net Framework 2.0 from Microsoft.
3. Run the InstallSATARaid.exe program and follow the on screen directions.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.25 EN WinXP, WinXP+SP2 04/06/2007 33 Mo ZIP InstallSATARaid_v10025.zip
Description .Net SATA RAID installation utility 5ACPCI.RAIC-01, 5ACPCI.RAIC-03

1. Execute vcredist_x86.exe for 32-bit platforms or vcredist_x64.exe for 64-bit platforms to install Visual C++ libraries required by SATARaid GUI.
2. Execute dotnetfx.exe to install .Net Framework 2.0 from Microsoft.
3. Run the InstallSATARaid.exe program and follow the on screen directions.
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