
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
2.30 * Win2000, WinXP 06/07/2004 5 Mo EXE iaa23_multi.exe
Description Intel Application Accelerator 815E (Win2000/XP)

The Intel® Application Accelerator enables faster delivery of data from the hard drive to the processor and other system level hardware.

This Intel© Application Accelerator version is tested and verified with the B&R compatible devices.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
2.20 * Win2000, WinXP 06/07/2004 5 Mo EXE iaa22_multi.exe
Description Intel Application Accelerator 815E (Win2000/XP)
The Intel® Application Accelerator enables faster delivery of data from the hard drive to the processor and other system level hardware.

This Intel© Application Accelerator version is tested and verified with the B&R compatible devices.
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