Cover story

Protecting process control systems from cyberattacks
Effective cybersecurity requires custom-tailored solutions. More...


”No digitalization without standard interfaces“
The biggest obstacle facing Industry 4.0 is the absence of a uniform interface. So why is it so difficult to develop an interface standard that lets you connect any peripheral device to a machine the way USB does for PCs? Dr. Harald Weber of the VDMA and B&R’s Patrick Bruder and Sebastian Sachse explain. More...


LWB: Elastomer injection molding
Injecting flexibility into machine design More...

Elettrosystem: Assembly line automation
Finally, a flexible feeder More...

TRESU: High-end packaging conversion
Perfect partnership for precision printing More...

Dynavia: Seed processing
Sowing the seeds of smart manufacturing More...


Reduce costs through optimized maintenance
Equipment operators need to improve quality and availability while minimizing maintenance overhead. Advanced strategies make it possible. More...

Over the edge and into the cloud
Operators of machinery and equipment have their sights set on the Industrial Internet of Things. Edge computing will give them the cloud connectivity they need to make the most of it. More...

Safety technology – Seamlessly scalable
In the past, machine builders have had to develop separate safety concepts for each machine variant. B&R’s freely-scalable integrated safety is available at prices that can compete with conventional relay technology. More...

OPC UA TSN – From the field to the cloud
Automation suppliers are poised to clear the first hurdle on the road to a promising future of Industrial IoT solutions: seamless communication based on open standards. More...


Advanced rotational control
New software package suppresses skew oscillation. More...

Advanced service functions for machinery and equipment
B&R further expands mapp Technology framework. More...

Two operating systems on one device
B&R is introducing a hypervisor for its automation system. More...

Boost productivity with anti-sloshing
SuperTrak offers anti-sloshing technology that suppresses the formation of surface oscillations when transporting liquids. More...


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